Tuesday, April 27, 2010

random things

Hello guys, I know I've been too long not write in this page. It's because of my craziness schedule when I was at senior class. But now yeah I'm free :D I just graduated from SMAN 70 Jakarta, and got accepted at Universitas Gadjah Mada, major Economic Studies :D yeah, I know I've been so much blabbering about university topic recently, after I read through my old blog I was still in no direction, what to choose in my future. UGM is like my dream since I was in 11 grade, and kinda amazing I can get it, it's all because of Allah SWT. Thank God!!!!
Now, I have nothing to do? Can anybody suggest me to do? I'm no good at english, so pardon my incorrect grammar or even I misspelled anything.... Random thoughts of tonight :
#1 I just broke up with my ex-boyfriend, he was my ex-inten friend who turned to be my boyfriend which now turned into my ex. We didn't talk anymore, I just deleted his bbm, because I kinda upset with him because of he was a jerk, he acted like one. so we have to broke up because we have different faith, and that just it about me and him.
#2 Graduated from highschool kinda great deal for me, I felt glad and sad at the same time. I feel glad because I'm finally out from daily routines that killing me : studying, wake up early, stay up late for study, go inten at tuesday thursday saturday and go to bta at monday wednesday friday and sunday... It just so tired, stress me out..but I nailed it. I pass my national exam, thank God.
#3 University of Gadjah Mada Jogjakarta, Faculty : Economy . Yeaaah!!!! After all the craziness the tears the downs, I got what I want, it just feels like heaven for a moment. Don't you know, my stomach feels like there's butterfly in it? This feeling is so much better when I got my parents eyes looking proud of me, their eyes reflected of happiness and proudness. I told you, I won't let you down... I won't mom dad :D
#4 Jogjakarta aint big city, it just small city. It kinda difficult for me, I think. After went there ALONE, all by myself I got this feeling maybe I'm not supposed to be studying there. But I have this faith, that I'm gonna be okay and I'm gonna survive. I know I can live happily there, I'll have a lot of good friend
#5 Mr. D ouch, my life wouldn't be complete if I don't talk about him... Maybe all my friends tired of me talking about him, actually I'm pretty tired of him, but I couldn't lie, he's still here in my mind and heart. I might admit it, he in my mind kinda messed up I couldn't find a good word to tell everyone. Am I in love or am I have this crazy obsession with him? Its been almost 2 years, and he still there and he not moving anywhere not even an inch.

Oh my! I'm sorry for this blabbering thoughts, I just miss to write hehe. Well, I promise I'll write soon, I don't have nothing to do now. No school, no inten, no bta, just me and my lovelies :D



Thursday, September 3, 2009


Okay, I just got back from hospital. I've been there since monday night, my doctor said that I had thypus. It wasn't good, but now I feel better.

Kemaren di rumah sakit gue ngerasa gempa, yak betul gempa bumi yang melanda Jakarta, yang berpusat di Tasikmalaya. Kekuatan gempa nya cukup besar 7,3 SR. Gede kan? itu serem banget. Tiang infus gue goyang, gue kira. Gue yang vertigo mendadak, tau nya gempa. Nyokap gue udah panik banget, gue pun lari ke kamar adek gue dimana adek kecil gue, emily juga dirawat. Setelah gempa nya ga ada, gue pun ga berani tidur dikamar sendirian jadi lah gue nebeng di kamar adek gue. I know that was a childish action but I was afraid.

Lepas dari infus hari ini, tangan gue sakit. Sialan, dan otak gue belom sifat untuk kembali bekerja. Padahal gue harus mulai menguras tenaga otak gue buat belajar Matematika si integral untuk menghitung luas, makes me crazy. Dan blok pun udah di depan mata, makin stress ga sih otak gue belom bisa dipake! Besok gue bakal belajar matematika, janji gue!

my boyfie, Irfan tadi buka dirumah gue. gaya nya doang sok sok buka di depan nyokap gue padahal dia ga puasa. HAHAHA cacat lo fan! mana makan nya dikasih ke gue tapi gue seneng dia bilang " Ya kamu kurusan deh abis sakit! apa mata ku ya yang rabun?" sialan tuh manusia! muji nya ga tulus haha!

okay, i'm off all. I have to rest all the time. I miss sushi groove time! i want to go to pim! first thing I'm gonna do after I get fully healthy that i'm goin to SUSHIGROOVE!

bye, xoxo

Saturday, August 29, 2009


In life we have to choose, it's what I do now. I have to choose what I want to pick to study at college. Is it economic or law? I choose both. I do want to study about economic, and I do not want to study economy accounting major, I choose Management. And Law I choose, cooperate law.

after choosing the major, I have to think which university I have to pick. I have lots of time thinking about this thing. I want to study at UI, at first. well who doesn't? UI is like everyone pick. That's why I kept thinking, Am I could be at UI? The enrollment test is so fucking difficult. So I have another college in my brain is UGM. I know it's too freaking farawy from Jakarta, my current city now. But my head says It just gonna be okay to go there.

UGM is one of finest university in Indonesia. It's second best. The problem just one thing is........ UGM is at Jogjakarta, which is faraway from Jakarta. And I'm not to be rude, It's just totally different city from Jakarta, that why I keep question-ing myself. Am I gonna survive there?

after the long time thinking, I've got friend who's already at UGM. He said "you're just gonna be okay. At Jogja isn't that bad. " and my dad keep saying "You're just gonna be fine there." and i finally had my decision, I PICK UGM!

and i'm not afraid of being different of my friends here, no one wants to go to ugm because it's in JOGJA but i keep saying to myself " IT'S OKAY!" pray for me so UGM accept me and I'm there to pursue my dream :)


aduh maaf atas kejarangan nya buat ngeblog... sejujur nya gue bikin blog juga karena gue suka nulis tapi mood nulis nya suka datang dan pergi gitu. And I'm trying to make this blog more attractive.
but you see I still need lots of helps.

Di bulan Ramadhan ini, minggu pertama gue sakit. Gue juga gatau gue sakit apa, yang pasti demam tinggi. Gue ga bisa sekolah seminggu, dan terkapar di kasur for a whole week. such a boring week, I know. Dan I met someone who turns out to be my boyfriend, Irfan. He's good. Actually, sekarang dia sakit juga. Hari ini gue mesti nya Inten but I don't have fire to do the try out today.

I promise i'll write more, It just i'm so lazy!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Friday, July 31, 2009

Back for a second

udah lama banget ga nge-blog hmm.... I just don feel the passion yet to write another blog i don't know why, maybe my brain is so lazy that's why I put lazyay as my blog name. another problem is my vaio charger is broken, so it makes another good reason not to write although i miss to write, my last post is how i desperately waiting for bali.. okay skip the blah-blah..maybe i want to write how was my life after a long time i'm not writeee...

Bali is the best part of this freakin year.... Ke bali sama temen-temen emang bener-bener nyenengin dari di bandara sampe balik ke bandara tetep aja nyenengin, mulai ketemu bule aussie yg ganteng sampe ketemu org malaysia serta alay-alay bali yang super ngeganggu kita smua... banyak kejadian yang bikin hmmmmmm, but like everybody says "WHAT HAPPENED IN BALI STAYS IN BALI" dreamland was freakin cool! legian is incredibly fun,everything seems so perfect like sherli says down there it seems like life is easier, but it's only seems.. di bali kita semua seakan lupa sama masalah yang ada di jakarta hahahahhaha, tai dah!

pulang dari bali, gue naik kelas 3. kelas 3 choy! kelas 3, stop being so darmatic. taun terakhir di SMA 70 yang makin lama makin eek dengan segala peraturan nya yg terus mengurusi tentang rok, stop dragging us about our uniform sir! taun ini kita harus milih mau dilanjutin kemana nih abis sma ini, UI? siapa yang gamau? ada sih haha cm dikit lah, mau ITB? ampir semua orang mau masuk PTN, gue termasuk disitu. taun ini aja simak dimulai maret, taun 2010? aduh stress, all college thing keep spinning around in my head...... ya kalo kata panji "berusaha sebaik mungkin, mulai belajar dari sekarang, dan jangan ikut-ikutan temen kalo pilih kampus" hmm, gue aja sampe skrg blom tau mau masuk mana.... stress coy

masih tentang sekolah, skrg udah agit which mean punya utas.. which meen banyak orangtua berkeliaran di skolah, tante ini sma bukan tk? anak nya ga malu apa ibu bapak nya nungguin di gerbang? gue sih malu jadi lo... stop blabbering about this annoy topic

dan bulan juli gue ulangtaun, yippie..... I'm officialy 17 now! gue dapet suprise dari teman teman ku tersayang dan dapat luka dari si util hmm, dagu gue jadikayak lecet mana skrg gatel lagi,ulangtaun gue kmrn izza yg megang kue huhu, aku terharu mau nangis.... ;( love you all my friendssssssssssssssssssss lovey yaaa

and last story maybe about what a small world we have, coincedence is everywhere..... when i said that only my friends know why i said that sentence...

xoxo, Yay

Sunday, May 31, 2009